Useful Links
The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.

On this page are some off the people who i have purchased spiders off .Also a big thanks to PHIL and TRACEY for helping me out with this website. Check out Tarantula store and Ts made easy. It is safe to say that the Tarantula store is know one off the best cites on the web.I like the Gallery as there are some brilliant photos on it.
Favorite Sites
Mark Kent
For supplying quality spiders
Tarantula store
Phil helped me with this website. Please take a look at one off the most imfomative cites on the web
Tarantulas made easy
A brilliant cite for those buying first spider also have a go on quiz
A great place to buy spiders+books and Equipment.
A brilliant site from U.S.A. With live video footage
A great site from Wales. Reptile and Arachnid
The British Tarantula Society
The number one cite for all spider keepers in the U.K
A great society i hope to join.
TRACEY website. Abrilliant website with some really nice pics
Specialised Secure Courier Services